State College a small city and huge college city!

State College is a very small town in central Pennsylvania with a great countryside. The town itself is probably smaller than the Penn State's Campus. It takes you nearly 15 minutes to walk downtown while if you travel over campus on a diagonal path it will well take more than 30 minutes. Different bus loops shorten your journey during the daytime and weekdays. It is not a matter of big surprise though, because Penn State is one of the largest universities in the United States. University Park alone accommodates nearly 45000 students, half the town's population. All together it has 85000 students spread out in different campuses in the state of Pennsylvania.
The reason for this entry was to share this idea that small college city such as State college, PA and Blacksburg, VA and many others in the US are from a series of city in which the economical activities and businesses are defined by the students needs and requirements. These cities imply one the most important type of cities which has been established in the US in their current shapes for the first time in history of urbanization; working out based on a incoming financial resources as service cities. Instead of any type of dormitory towns which usually serve larger cities around them, college cities serve students and their dormitories based on students' financial resources independent of larger cities surrounding them.

Green Built Environment. My Shots on NBC's Newsletter!

These is no need to say that Calofornian Beaches would be the most beautiful ones in the world, if they were clean!
Two weeks ago the Coastal Cleaningup Day in Newport Beach and Santa Monica Beach, California, was organized in order to clean out the litters. More than 10,000 citizens participated in this one-way non-profit activity. The volunteers gathered a lot of trash and rubbish together and took them out quickly.
What was happening in coastal part of the state at the time, was a humanistic activity organized by a number of public and private organizations, companies and firms. Among the sponsors you will see big names such as Ricoh and NBC Universal.

I, again, got involved in this kind of event only because of my personal concern to charity activities and in this case to support such a nice action to nature, as I did in Atlanta as well as in the UK before. And as usual, I appeared in this event with my camera, and captured every moments of our joys to help the nature adn our build environment in California!
But what made our time distinctive, was the details of people contribution including women, men and even kids in that which was really unbelievable. Our group, sponsored by NBC Universal was composed of about 10 persons whose the youngest member was one the most active and serious in the group, a young girl about five!

I would refer you to my shots which covered the NBC's newsletter, and I don't hide my happiness about the issue, shows one of the youngest volunteers, Sarah, with his hunts, A truck tire! She was our group hero!
In a new world we definitely have to redefine the meaning of "hero". In era which the concerning about the issue of built environment is more valuable of physically being powerful, who more contribute to the built environment issue will be known as world's heroes.
Apparently hero of heroes would be the most powerful in this way.

The changing face

Tehran face in changing, not only new suburbs are adjoining main city but also many of houses dating some decades ago are being demolished and reconstructed.
In each era people have their own methods of cognition and this is mostly noticeable in their cultural behaviors and general notion to art. In this regard, if the city face is considered the direct reflection of “living”, “thinking” and “behaving” of citizens, no surprise will remain why Tehran is rapidly deforming.

There exist some well modernistic designed buildings in Tehran dated round 70s. These areas are most significant in middle parts of town at the moment, the zones which are rapidly becoming commercial center of town. Previously homes are changing to private offices. At outer parts, houses are becoming apartments. People are moving from central part because of air pollution, heavy traffic and traffic restricted zones and lack of highways.

These fast pace demolishing and reconstructing mainly has financial purposes. Land prices are rapidly growing, so it is completely profitable for all land owners (not dependent on the size of land). This group tries to gain as higher profit as possible. Consequently, low cost construction, fast construction and fashionable and attractive facades (depending on ordinary people interests) are inevitable part of this rapid reformation in town. Besides, unfortunately architects have a few role in designing these buildings (mostly residential), because the architects’ pay are relatively high and adds to construction costs, so most of the building owners employ draftsmen instead of architects.

The Carnival of Colours

Over the past 42 years Notting Hill Carnival has been held in the last week of August on a weekend followed by a bank holiday. It was initiated first by the Black British immigrant with Caribbean background mostly from Trinidad (and Tobago). It has established itself over the years as one of the most important unofficial dance and music carnivals and one the most favoured ones for the tourists from all around the world. Dozens of tourists manage to be in or trip to London on the second half of August to attend and see the Notting Hill Carnival.
It usually begins on a Sunday with the kids’ and youngsters’ parades followed by the main parades on the following Monday, the bank holiday. It was started basically with the aim of appreciation of friendship and encouragement for peace and humane attitudes towards the others. This years’ carnival took place on Sunday 26 and Monday 27 August in Notting Hill, London.

Architect vs. Client

It is usually believe that architects should be good psychologist. They should fully comprehend their clients’ needs and desires and at the same be able to communicate with them. Designing for people plays a prominent role in architecture. However, there is a wide gap between these two groups in Iran. Architects do not believe in general society style of living, thinking and behaving. Observing misbehaviors, misunderstandings of their own people and on the other hand becoming familiar with innovations, progressions and methods of thinking in other cultures, have made architects more and more parted from normal cognitions of majority.

In addition, rapid changes in economical and political conditions in Iran have emerged newly shaped wealthy class that most of them do not have graduate studies or have low education or in some ways, their studies are not related to their sources of income. On of the most profitable investments in Iran is building construction. So different groups are investing in this field, regardless to their own profession and there will be no surprise, most of them do not have any background and knowledge about architecture (nor as engineering, neither as art). Governmental or well-off private investors are the main group who are responsible for hiring knowledgeable and skillful architects; although, connections, relationships and money actually in real context are the key factors in selecting architectural consultants. Irresponsible and not well-educated architects are mostly to blame for architectural construction conditions in Iran.

Where young, innovative and well educated architects who are aware of to up-to-date progressions in architecture should make the grounds of meaningful, convenient and fashionable architecture in society, instead profiteering individuals or companies engaged in building business are forming new urban context and housing. Talented architects are not aware of the masses needs and desires and people do not have confidence in them.


Few days ago when I was surfing in Yahoo, stumbled across one of the funniest article which I have ever read included urban comments of a tourist consultant under the title of;

Save Money With These Alternatives to Popular European Cities!!! .... !

Instead of: Paris | Try: Culver City
Instead of: Barcelona | Try: Bangkok
Instead of: Milan | Try: Buenos Aires
Instead of: Berlin | Try: Prague

and on top of the pageyou read the funniest part of report:

If You Love: History, Instead of: Athens | Try: Istanbul!!!

Cultural structure enhancement usually needs a long process. Especially when some media like internet websites have often a money oriented approach to the issue, this process takes more.

Recently, lots of internet-based media/business which have been shaped by some cheesy ideas from money first and after years now they are on top of the board of the biggest companies in the world, encourage people to make more money through their own stupid methods by which they have been shaped!

However many of this kind of article should consider from advertisement point of view and they are happening by massive money.
Not long time ago, the duty of the well-known media didn't only end up with the providing information for people oriented by common advertisment. And lots of their managers tried to play a prominent role in terms of culture as well as broadcasting. At that time, believing in intellectuality was a valuable and reliable feature for a manager instead of just being a good business man.

Therefore we suggest,
Instead of Money try culture which can make a better world for our children, to the people who have enough money to spend on culture and we can culture lovers instead of Penny pinchers!

It's very interesting from another point of view, because, sometimes we, as architects/urbanists, think we are building the people's culture. Sometimes we are also happy with this kind of representative roles defined. However the fact is something else!

Arquitectonica, Urbatecture

" The Atlantis Condominium, Miami, Florida
This 20 story high residential slab block contains a large hole containing a palm tree: it featured in a film on postmodern architecture soon after it was built and made quite an impression with its sense of humor and bold use of color!!!" from e-architect

pparently the information above has some problems in terms of description. It is about one of the most prominent work of Arquitectonica. Thanks to attempts of this outstanding architectural group which was a very active 80's progressive firm, now we have such nice urban perspectives in Miami. The city, which if you omit works like these two from, shall remain a very common city.

Again we need to talk about architects who have built the outstanding cityscapes in a way of urbatecture. This type of buildings with a high respect to urban design shape the cities more friendly, attractive and with high level of identity. Now the question is; where are this type of genius architects who can work on context of urbatecture without knowing about it. Watch around to discover more proper examples of Urban-architecture.

Urban Issues, Traffic Light

How many traffic lights can you realize in this picture?!!!

This is one the picture which shows the condition of todays streets in the US. In different cities all over the county, this kind of image, is repeating and repeating. This sample is just one of the plenty of the 20th century urbanism embarrassing heritage.

We will deal with the other feature related to the issue above later but now we probably ask ourselves again if the 20th century urbanism would start in another way, how our life style and though would have been now.
It is really a valuable question which we need to answer it to correct the rest of the road of urbanism.

SUBURBAN WORLD; The most prestigious conference in Urbanism ever, Washington DC

Metropolitan Institute at Virginia Tech host "the SUBURBAN WORLD" conference.

These 3-days activities, which is One of the most prestigious conferences in Urbanism, with a concentration on issue of suburbans around metropolitan areas, insights, problems and opinions, will be carried out at the Virginia Tech Urban studies institute, Washington DC.

The conference includes 13 tracks with different titles and subjects. This shall end up with a wide spectrum of articles.
The reading and accepting process of articles has been done and 119 abstracts accepted by chair of each track.

Initially, it's supposed that the event will be hosted between April 6th and 8th 2008.

Good luck for all the sponsors, participants and contributers of conference ...


Digital Project (DP)

Digital Project which is known by DB, however, lots of architects have forgotten it original name, encourages many of young architects and Avant-guard architectural offices to carry out outstanding projects. After the new wave of Gehry's office projects since late 80's which have been shaped by CATIA now is the DP's turn.

Some of the small offices who can afford the software are joining to the DP club. However some of them are struggling by usage of other regular 3D softwares like Rahino, 3D studio or even soft image to join the club of rich offices.
Hadid's office is one of the office which uses the Software. Although Hadid started to present her works with a range of Surreal paintings about 20 year age, now there is no news from her paintings! Hadid's office to catch the further steps of career has used the software since late 90's after grabbing the Pritzker Prize.
However the old questions and discussions are still around the issue that if the software is able to calculate every detail of amendments how the architect(s) play their separate roles.

Despite of Lots of professionals who say "Thanks to DP", otherwise Hadid's office couldn't be so successful, I assume we can not underestimate the role of het architects in developing their projects.
Track the changes in attitude of Hadid's office below;

Aerial digital rendering of Hadid's proposed Louvre wing

Another view of Hadid's losing comp- etition entry for an Islamic wing expansion at the Louvre

Rendering of addition proposed for the Louvre in Paris

BMW Plant Central Building, Leipzig, Germany, 2001–06

CMA CGM Head Office, Marseilles, France, Zaha Hadid Architects

Fiera di Milano, digital rendering, Zaha Hadid Architects, on-going since 2004

Glasgow Museum of Transport, Riverside Project, Scotland, 2004-ongoing, Zaha Hadid Architects

Grand Buildings, London, by Zaha Hadid Architects, acrylic on canvas,1985

Hérault Culture Sport, Montpelier, France, digital rendering by Zaha Hadid Architects, 2002-ongoing

New Eusko Tram Central Headquarters and Urban Planning, Durango, Spain,2003-ongoing, Zaha Hadid Architects

Phaeno Science Center, Wolfsburg, Germany, 1999-2005

The World (89 Degrees), by Zaha Hadid, acrylic on canvas, 1983, ©Zaha Hadid, Ltd., London

When the world ends up with California

Never-ending urban lessons in accompanied with the attractive play of understanding and imagining spaces conducted me to the west of America where is still one of the most developing area in here. The area which is defined by only California state, I believe, is not only a state but an individual country. However the atmosphere of artistic communities and people is not comparable with east coast and specially with New York City. But it is still considerable from other points of view.

Visiting, watching and observing California would be a great chance for every one, specially if he/she is an architect, critic or urbanist.
Urbanist will enjoy watching the urban relation of various segments of this huge machine although some parts of that are wrong and not to be in the proper place.
Architect definitely will enjoy visiting a bunch of architectural masterwork and urbatectist ( which is from Urbatecture)will take a pleasure of relationship between architecture and urbanism specially in south part of LA, Orange County.

It contains the adorable combinations of good and bad, beauty and beast, rich and poor, thoughtful and meaningless subjects, provided and deprived commercial areas which I have never seen. Celebrities on classy streets and just a few steps away poorest people in the world, I believe, are living!
"The shared houses of UCLA's and USC's students next to Beverly Hills!"

It includes the own meaning of diversity!

This year was a busy year for me and now after visiting more than fifteen cities in the US my travel is gradually ending in this huge country but apparently urban lessons and unforgettable urban images never come to an end. Even though I strongly plan to visit one other urban masterpiece; Washington DC in near future which will have further lessons for all of us.

Therefore I decided to review the details of this travel and its lessons more carefully and gently in next steps.

7- Tour de Las Americas! part seven; Boston; Capital of Beauty

About Boston I can just say it’s the perfect sample of beauty with a lots of classy people who behave in a friendly manner with each other.

A plenty of urban events on streets which are known satisfying entertainments by even any difficult people are good combination of summer life of students’ and city’s requirements.
City’s livability degree is a parameter, which is closely related to number and variation of events in a city. About Boston this has been completely well done.
However I assume the level of livability decreases in winter because of the weather condition.

Boston Red Line, which conducts many visitors to memorial sites in city, is extended more than two miles.
Now I easily assume the "Boston's Red Line" is one of its visiting items. The line passes close to many of memorial place like Benjamin Franklin’ grave, USS constitution and a number of museums and other historical places like king’s chapel where are very important in historical battles between British army and American troops.

USS Constitution

Urban Excitement

6- Tour de Las Americas! Sixth part; Capital of New York

Rediscover a hidden beauty; a capital with less than 100,000 people for east coast.

Upstate New York not only contains a series of ski resorts and a bunch of very beautiful cities but also contains the capital of New York; Albany.
Lots of people assume New York city is the capital the state but it’s wrong.
The most populous city of whole area.

Watch the rough areas around and be very careful with the nights events and be sure you are going to see one of them at least.

The opposite side of the New York state capital building you are going to see this unique urban space, which is shaped by this platform. It includes Albany’s Egg like an alien aerospace and a series of 70’s design high-rises. This shapes one of the greatest area urban spaces I have ever seen.

From the other point of view Albany is the city of Platform; Empire State Plaza. The Albany’s Egg, which is one of the tourist’s attractions, located on the most important urban space of city. On the platform which its proportion to the whole city is unbelievable, some people have a daily walk on that and observe a great urban space every day. This complete complex has been built during the Rockefeller years.

5-Tour de Las Americas! Saratoga Springs

Whatever happens is on the main street of the town.
A city in peace with a kind of very friendly people. Watching a Mandolin Player on one side of the road and hearing laud hard-rock music from a passing car is a great contrast for 300 year old linear shaped town in this country!

All About Urbatecture

I have been developing the subject of Urbatecture as a main part of my research for several years.

It seems is a proper time to drop some lines about the "urbatecture blog" to start.I will certainly put a complete article and important explanation about this word, its usage and the feild, which come out of the related studies.

For some reason, I have been also convinced that some people who have not been introduced over the process of urbatecture should be introduced through this media regardless being agreed or opposed the term. The names what I don’t want to be forgotten by professionals. However, retelling the whole story of born of this field is such a long March and this never-ending attempt towards a new paradigm in architecture and urbanism obviously needs much more time.

New re-definition namely "Urbatecture" is a new more appropriate term to connect two majors; architecture and urbanism, to each other in a chief way. I have established this unique approach over the years that I have been working on different urban and architectural projects and research in Europe and Middle East.Now its a matter of developing of my research at Berlin University of Technology in Germany, where definitely plays a key role to develop the avant-guard theories in urbanism; such as quantum cities and topology in urban development and chaos theory. Working with urbanists and architects in England was another distinctive experience that helped me to have close corporations with professionals in this country. British professionals who are very open-minded people listened to my lectures and talks in various events and closely attend in a number of many of discussions. However some of them cannot understand what I was talking about! (as their own said), many of them are agreed on the subject.

"The search for a multidisciplinary cure" chosen name for this research shows the dominating holistic approach to the subject. For the last 30 years this is the first organized attempt to reconnect these two majors through a scientific theory versus separating process. The used theory to re-define the relation between architecture and urbanism establishes a distinctive method which is practical and theoretical.

In line with my research this weblog is the first advanced media will be spesified to spread out the idea of Urbatecture day-to-day in a distinctive method. Any reports, Images, texts, articles and comments will be updated on this blog.

Gaining admittance to the exclusive access part of theory would be an easy matter; just contact me and send your name, the term of usage and your purpose.

"New York City" Urban lessons

When I was on Ferry and took a tour around Manhattan area captured the pictures below which means to us many things; Diversity, Contrast, Attractiveness, Identity and such and such, either negative or positive words.

But let us leave them all for a moment. From other points of view it can be counted as a proper urban lesson for many cities as far as using the method for preserving Traditional urban icons for such huge urban area like New York Metropolitan.

Sometimes city councils should pay for something but definitely worth it.

4. Tour de las Americas! Part four; Welcome to New York City

It's surprising to me that lots of British architects and urbanists are not tempted to visit this city.

Amazing city, unique area and never ending lessons for all experts, critics and professionals.

Don't sleep. Keep your eyes on everything, stay on the city streets untill next morning and take pictures as much as you can! It is not just a city, it’s a world. Welcome to New York City!

I would say, just don't miss it. However I will definitely miss it!

3. Tour de las Americas! Virginia Tech.

A few days after the Virginia Tech Tragedy! Let's have one minute silence for the Victims

After a huge delay, our website has been launched!

Finally after a hot debate, the interface of our group's website was approved last month and the context of website was accepted by everyone in the committee. The first stage of website namely is lunching to spread out different ideas related to Architecture/Planning and Urban Desing which will be a new experience.

I, on behalf of "thinking architecture", do invite you to read our articles and essays and then please send us what you think about whatever you read.Which part of website do you like and what don't? and why?
Please feel free and send us your innovative concepts, ideas, articles and proposals.

Keep fingers crossed and many thank you again for your support and help!

2- Tour de Las Americas!

Chicago Bean!
Sometimes It is very difficult to realize what is true and what is not? Isn't it?

Acrobatics in Sheffield

in Sheffield

1-Tour de America!

Chicago Attitude
This is one of the most attractive urban spaces in the world; CHICAGO.
What we are trying to discover the city through is the first step of procedure of perception of this huge city. The city which needs more than a life to just see the buildings accurately!

Parallel Love

Parallel Love

Design Oriented and Money Maker Architectural Practices

Architectural practices often survive with common ways to handle the projects and costs, to deal with local authorities, to give acceptable services to their public or private clients as well as their staffs.
In era of “Globalisation” it is difficult to say “Architectural practices must be concerned about design”. In the area some of practices are trying to get ISO 9000 and something like that.
A number of practices are just building to have rising income to grow, targeting to absorb more clients than the other practices who would even be simple developers. However many of them are still struggling to remain in market with providing real architectural works instead of buildings.

But the remained questions are what the mission of architectural practices is, whether they should survive however and what an real architectural work in this new globalising world.

Paradise in Winter

Paradise in Winter; Les Crosets, Switzerland