6- Tour de Las Americas! Sixth part; Capital of New York

Rediscover a hidden beauty; a capital with less than 100,000 people for east coast.

Upstate New York not only contains a series of ski resorts and a bunch of very beautiful cities but also contains the capital of New York; Albany.
Lots of people assume New York city is the capital the state but it’s wrong.
The most populous city of whole area.

Watch the rough areas around and be very careful with the nights events and be sure you are going to see one of them at least.

The opposite side of the New York state capital building you are going to see this unique urban space, which is shaped by this platform. It includes Albany’s Egg like an alien aerospace and a series of 70’s design high-rises. This shapes one of the greatest area urban spaces I have ever seen.

From the other point of view Albany is the city of Platform; Empire State Plaza. The Albany’s Egg, which is one of the tourist’s attractions, located on the most important urban space of city. On the platform which its proportion to the whole city is unbelievable, some people have a daily walk on that and observe a great urban space every day. This complete complex has been built during the Rockefeller years.


peppersalt said...


Poorang Piroozfar said...


Unknown said...

New York has it's very own characteristics and more , always remind me of a powerful one !

Anonymous said...

If I hadn't seen THE EGG Plaza in Albany with my own eyes, I would think this is a 3-D image by computer. Wonderful picture!