Green Built Environment. My Shots on NBC's Newsletter!

These is no need to say that Calofornian Beaches would be the most beautiful ones in the world, if they were clean!
Two weeks ago the Coastal Cleaningup Day in Newport Beach and Santa Monica Beach, California, was organized in order to clean out the litters. More than 10,000 citizens participated in this one-way non-profit activity. The volunteers gathered a lot of trash and rubbish together and took them out quickly.
What was happening in coastal part of the state at the time, was a humanistic activity organized by a number of public and private organizations, companies and firms. Among the sponsors you will see big names such as Ricoh and NBC Universal.

I, again, got involved in this kind of event only because of my personal concern to charity activities and in this case to support such a nice action to nature, as I did in Atlanta as well as in the UK before. And as usual, I appeared in this event with my camera, and captured every moments of our joys to help the nature adn our build environment in California!
But what made our time distinctive, was the details of people contribution including women, men and even kids in that which was really unbelievable. Our group, sponsored by NBC Universal was composed of about 10 persons whose the youngest member was one the most active and serious in the group, a young girl about five!

I would refer you to my shots which covered the NBC's newsletter, and I don't hide my happiness about the issue, shows one of the youngest volunteers, Sarah, with his hunts, A truck tire! She was our group hero!
In a new world we definitely have to redefine the meaning of "hero". In era which the concerning about the issue of built environment is more valuable of physically being powerful, who more contribute to the built environment issue will be known as world's heroes.
Apparently hero of heroes would be the most powerful in this way.

The changing face

Tehran face in changing, not only new suburbs are adjoining main city but also many of houses dating some decades ago are being demolished and reconstructed.
In each era people have their own methods of cognition and this is mostly noticeable in their cultural behaviors and general notion to art. In this regard, if the city face is considered the direct reflection of “living”, “thinking” and “behaving” of citizens, no surprise will remain why Tehran is rapidly deforming.

There exist some well modernistic designed buildings in Tehran dated round 70s. These areas are most significant in middle parts of town at the moment, the zones which are rapidly becoming commercial center of town. Previously homes are changing to private offices. At outer parts, houses are becoming apartments. People are moving from central part because of air pollution, heavy traffic and traffic restricted zones and lack of highways.

These fast pace demolishing and reconstructing mainly has financial purposes. Land prices are rapidly growing, so it is completely profitable for all land owners (not dependent on the size of land). This group tries to gain as higher profit as possible. Consequently, low cost construction, fast construction and fashionable and attractive facades (depending on ordinary people interests) are inevitable part of this rapid reformation in town. Besides, unfortunately architects have a few role in designing these buildings (mostly residential), because the architects’ pay are relatively high and adds to construction costs, so most of the building owners employ draftsmen instead of architects.

The Carnival of Colours

Over the past 42 years Notting Hill Carnival has been held in the last week of August on a weekend followed by a bank holiday. It was initiated first by the Black British immigrant with Caribbean background mostly from Trinidad (and Tobago). It has established itself over the years as one of the most important unofficial dance and music carnivals and one the most favoured ones for the tourists from all around the world. Dozens of tourists manage to be in or trip to London on the second half of August to attend and see the Notting Hill Carnival.
It usually begins on a Sunday with the kids’ and youngsters’ parades followed by the main parades on the following Monday, the bank holiday. It was started basically with the aim of appreciation of friendship and encouragement for peace and humane attitudes towards the others. This years’ carnival took place on Sunday 26 and Monday 27 August in Notting Hill, London.

Architect vs. Client

It is usually believe that architects should be good psychologist. They should fully comprehend their clients’ needs and desires and at the same be able to communicate with them. Designing for people plays a prominent role in architecture. However, there is a wide gap between these two groups in Iran. Architects do not believe in general society style of living, thinking and behaving. Observing misbehaviors, misunderstandings of their own people and on the other hand becoming familiar with innovations, progressions and methods of thinking in other cultures, have made architects more and more parted from normal cognitions of majority.

In addition, rapid changes in economical and political conditions in Iran have emerged newly shaped wealthy class that most of them do not have graduate studies or have low education or in some ways, their studies are not related to their sources of income. On of the most profitable investments in Iran is building construction. So different groups are investing in this field, regardless to their own profession and there will be no surprise, most of them do not have any background and knowledge about architecture (nor as engineering, neither as art). Governmental or well-off private investors are the main group who are responsible for hiring knowledgeable and skillful architects; although, connections, relationships and money actually in real context are the key factors in selecting architectural consultants. Irresponsible and not well-educated architects are mostly to blame for architectural construction conditions in Iran.

Where young, innovative and well educated architects who are aware of to up-to-date progressions in architecture should make the grounds of meaningful, convenient and fashionable architecture in society, instead profiteering individuals or companies engaged in building business are forming new urban context and housing. Talented architects are not aware of the masses needs and desires and people do not have confidence in them.